
Décapant SR (STRIPPER)

Cleans treated floors and brings outstanding cleanliness to the protective film or the surface to be cleaned thanks to a “dry-cleaning” process. Dry stripping is used when renovation needs are superficial or localised in a small area, when there are significant time constraints or in water-sensitive areas (such as IT rooms).
With this technique, only the superficial layer is removed. Underlayers remain.
Also compatible for the cleaning of all modern floorings: tiles, marble, thermoplastics, wood (with the exception of cork), etc.

  • No rinsing
  • High wetting power
  • Compatible with all water-washable floors
  • Non-foaming
Packaging: Carton 4 x 5 L
Application: To be diluted. Applied manually or with a single brush
Fragrance(s) and reference(s):

Fragrance-free – 322055/5

Dangerous. Observe safety precautions.

safety sheet

technical sheet

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